If you know us, at all, then you know we are about as big a fans of Hamilton: An American Musical that you’ll find. So, that also makes us super excited about the smash-hit’s debut on Disney+ on July 3rd. To celebrate this upcoming momentous occasion, we’ve decided to provide you with a few cocktail recipes inspired by Lin-Manuel Miranda’s masterpiece.
- Note: If you’re looking for an introduction to Hamilton, to get you prepared for it’s upcoming release on Disney+, be sure to check out the first of our 2 part crossover episodes exploring this cultural phenomenon. Give our Hamilton 101 with Part of Our World Podcast episode. Then, stay tuned for part 2 on Keenan & Rachael’s show coming soon!
Since Alexander himself was “dropped in a spot in the middle of the Caribbean”, we thought we’d kick this all off with a tropical drink, with our own Hamilton twist. As portrayed in the musical, Alexander Hamilton regularly wore green. So, we’ve provided his favorite color and the flavors of his original home into a very refreshing concoction. So, here is our recipe for the Hamil-Colada – A Hamilton Inspired Cocktail.

Our Ingredients
If you’ve ever made a Piña Colada, then most of the components for our Hamil-Colada – A Hamilton Inspired Cocktail should seem familiar to you. In contains the traditional Run, Cream of Coconut, Pineapple Juice and Banana. Where this recipe differs is the addition of Blue Curaçao and Melo Liqueur. They bring a light but refreshing addition of Melon and Citrus flavors to the drink and give it the “Hamilton Green” coloring we’re looking for.

Break out the Blender!
Like most cocktails, creating our Hamil-Colada is a pretty simple process. Add the Rum, Cream of Coconut, Melon Liqueur, Blue Curaçao, Pineapple Juice, Banana into a blender. Blend to combine. Next, add the Ice and blend until smooth. Check the consistency and add more ice, if necessary, until you reach your desired Colada thickness.
Pour into a large glass and garnish with a lime slice.

Final Conclusion
Our Hamil-Colada – A Hamilton Inspired Cocktail is a wonderful Summertime drink. Just like a traditional Piña Colada, each sip brings you the Coconut and Pineapple flavors you expect. Our flavor additions provide an extra light and bright pop of Melon and Citrus that elevate it over the traditional cocktail. It’s sweet, rich, refreshing. (Huh. Maybe this should instead be called an Eliza-Colada 🙂 )
We’ll be drinking this all Summer Non-Stop!
If you have any questions about this or any of our recipes, just hit us up below in the comments. You can also reach us through our Contact Us page or through email.
Hamil-Colada – A Hamilton Inspired Cocktail
Makes approximately 2 – 16 oz Cocktails
- 2 oz – Light Rum
- 1 oz – Blue Curaçao
- 1 oz – Melon Liqueur
- 4 oz – Pineapple Juice
- 2 oz – Cream of Coconut
- ½ – Banana
- 2 cups – Ice
- 2 slices – Lime – For Garnish
- Add the Light Rum, Blue Curaçao, Melon Liqueur, Pineapple Juice, Cream of Coconut and Banana to a blender and puree
- Next, add the Ice and blend until smooth. Check the consistency and correct with more Ice, if necessary
- Pour into 2 large glasses and garnish with Lime Slices. Serve immediately
Be sure to check out our other Disney Dishes cocktails:
Avocado Margarita From La Cava del Tequila