If you know us, at all, then you know we are about as big a fans of Hamilton: An American Musical that you’ll find. So, that also makes us super excited about the smash-hit’s debut on Disney+ on July 3rd. To celebrate this upcoming momentous occasion, we’ve decided to provide you with a few cocktail recipes inspired by Lin-Manuel Miranda’s masterpiece.
- Note: If you’re looking for an introduction to Hamilton, to get you prepared for it’s upcoming release on Disney+, be sure to check out the first of our 2 part crossover Hyperion Adventures Podcast episodes exploring this cultural phenomenon. Give our Hamilton 101 with Part of Our World Podcast episode. Then, stay tuned for part 2 on Keenan & Rachael’s show coming soon!
In the first song of the show, we discover that Alexander Hamilton’s childhood home was ravaged by a hurricane. He would go on to write about his experiences during that terrible time in the Caribbean. The residents of his island were so impressed by his work, they ended up collecting enough money to send him to the mainland to continue his studies.
Later in Hamilton, a hurricane is used as a metaphor to represent an extremely tumultuous time within his life.
With the storms being so prominent within this show, we decided we definitely needed to make the classic cocktail be a part of our Hamilton celebration. So, here is our recipe for the In The Eye Of A Hurricane – A Hamilton Inspired Cocktail.

Our Ingredients
The components for our In The Eye Of A Hurricane – A Hamilton Inspired Cocktail are mostly straightforward for a tropical drink. Lots of Rum and plenty of Fruit Juice.
The one ingredient that may be difficult to track down is the Passion Fruit Juice. I’ve looked several times and can’t find it in my favorite grocery store. At least not on its own. However, just like with the Konk Cooler recipe, I was able to find a Passion-Orange Juice Frozen Concentrate combo. So, I used it for this drink, as well. It’s not as good as the juices on their own but it works just fine for this.
You, probably, will also have a problem finding Simple Syrup in the store. That’s for the best, though. It’s a really easy thing to make and is something you’ll want to keep around for other cocktails. (Including another Hamilton Inspired drink we have coming in the next few days. Just add equal parts Sugar and Water to a small pan and place over medium heat. Once the mixture comes to a boil and the Sugar has dissolved, take it off of the heat and cool completely. Boom! You have Simple Syrup!
This is a very simple drink to put together. First, fill a Cocktail Shaker with Ice. Then add the Light Rum, Dark Rum, Fresh Lime Juice, Passion Fruit Juice, Orange Juice, Simple Syrup and Grenadine. Shake well and strain into a tall glass filled with Ice. Garnish with an Orange Slice and there you have it!
Final Conclusion
Our In The Eye Of A Hurricane – A Hamilton Inspired Cocktail is a wonderfully refreshing libation. The Juices come through in a big way, adding just enough tartness to slightly contrast the sweetness from the Simple Syrup and Grenadine. It’s a light and bright drink that’s perfect for a hot Summer day. Beware, though. Just like the storm, this Hurricane will creep up on you and pack a wallop. As always, please drink responsibly! 😉
- Note: If you’re looking for a refreshing and sweet drink that is okay for the kids or the non-drinkers in your family, then a “virgin” version of this is perfect. Just remove the Rums and add a little Lemon-Lime Soda at the end. Delicious!
If you have any questions about this or any of our recipes, just hit us up below in the comments. You can also reach us through our Contact Us page or through email.
In The Eye Of A Hurricane – A Hamilton Inspired Cocktail
Makes approximately 2 – 16 oz Cocktails
- 4 oz – Light Rum
- 4 oz – Dark Rum
- 1 oz – Fresh Lime Juice
- 4 oz – Passion Fruit Juice
- 2 oz – Orange Juice
- 1 oz – Simple Syrup
- 1 oz – Grenadine
- 2 slices – Lime – For Garnish
- Fill a Cocktail Shaker with Ice. Add the the Light Rum, Dark Rum, Fresh Line Juice, Passion Fruit Juice, Orange Juice, Simple Syrup and Grenadine
- Shake until well blended and strain into 2 tall glasses filled with Ice
- Garnish with Orange Slices and serve immediately
Be sure to check out our other Disney Dishes cocktails: