If you know us, at all, then you know we are about as big a fans of Hamilton: An American Musical that you’ll find. So, that also makes us super excited about the smash-hit’s debut on Disney+ on July 3rd. To celebrate this upcoming momentous occasion, we’ve decided to provide you with a few cocktail recipes inspired by Lin-Manuel Miranda’s masterpiece.
- Note: If you’re looking for an introduction to Hamilton, to get you prepared for it’s upcoming release on Disney+, be sure to check out the first of our 2 part crossover Hyperion Adventures Podcast episodes exploring this cultural phenomenon. Give our Hamilton 101 with Part of Our World Podcast episode. Then, stay tuned for part 2 on Keenan & Rachael’s show coming soon!
For day four of our countdown to Hamilton’s debut, we decided to go back to the main man himself. Within the show, Alexander is always trying to prove himself and cement his legacy. He’s always working to ensure your won’t be “shocked when the history book book mentions” him. Since he’s always on the go, we figured a drink that features his name should always be moving, as well. (Well, not so much moving as bubbling, but you get what I mean) It should also feature a little of his favorite color; green. So, today, we bring you the Alexander Hamilton Fizz.
“I’m past patiently waiting!” Let’s get to it!

Our Ingredients
So, the Alexander Hamilton Fizz is, in actuality, a slightly elevated version of a Gin & Tonic. That’s why you’ll see only 3 components in the picture above.
There is one component I left out of the photo because I had already created it for the In The Eye Of A Hurricane. That’s the Simple Syrup. Just to refresh your memory as to how to make your own Simple Syrup, all you need to do is place equal parts Sugar and Water in a pan and bring it to a boil. Cool completely and there you have it! Just store in an airtight container until you want to use it in these cocktails.
This is another cocktail that takes next to no time at all to put together. Just add the Gin, Fresh Lime Juice and Simple Syrup to a Cocktail Shaker filled with Ice. Shake to combine and strain into 2 Tall Glasses filled with Ice. Top off with Tonic Water, give it a light stir and garnish with a 2 Lime Slices.

Final Conclusion
Our Alexander Hamilton Fizz is perfect for someone who like their cocktails to be a balance of sweet and sour. (Kind of like Hamilton, himself.)The Lime Juice and Simple Syrup balance each other nicely. Meanwhile the Tonic Water provides that pop of effervescence that lightens the entire drink. It’s a refreshing way to celebrate the “10 Dollar Founding Father Without A Father”‘s debut on Disney+.
Like Alexander, don’t throw away “Your Shot”! Add this to your Summer Hamilton Celebration!
Alexander Hamilton Fizz – A Hamilton Inspired Cocktail
Makes approximately 2 – 16 oz Cocktails
- 4 oz – Gin
- 2 oz – Simple Syrup
- 1 oz – Fresh Lime Juice
- Tonic Water – As Needed
- 2 – Lime Slices for Garnish
- Fill a Cocktail Shaker with Ice. Add the the Gin, Simple Syrup and Lime Juice
- Shake until well blended and strain into 2 Tall Glasses filled with Ice
- Top off with Tonic Water and stir lightly
- Garnish with Lime Slices and serve immediately
Be sure to check out our other Disney Dishes cocktails:
Aaron Burr-Bon Manhattan – A Hamilton Inspired Cocktail
In The Eye Of A Hurricane – A Hamilton Inspired Cocktail